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PA Choice (Broker)

PA Choice Kids (Broker)

  • Coverage Loss of Life up to 750,000 THB*
  • Medical Expenses up to 55,000 THB*
  • Bone fracture, fire, scald and internal organ injury. Coverage up to 27,500 baht*
  • Free! Health2GO Online Doctor Consultation*

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  2. Select Plan
  3. Personal Detail
  4. Confirmation and Payment
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Date of Birth

Insurance underwriting conditions

1. Limit the number of insurance policies 1 policy for an insured only.
2. Reserve the right to get insurance by the insured must be between the age of 1 month  to 12 years old.
3. Pre-existing conditions for insurance The insured must not be permanently disabled before getting the insurance.
4. This insurance premium is offered as an annual insurance policy.
5. Customers who will be eligible for Health2GO are Tune Protect Thailand policyholders who have opted for the specific insurance plan with Health2GO service. User is entitled to one session per policy period (In accordance with company policy). You can use the Health2GO service the next day after receiving the policy. For information about Health2GO services, Click